Many Christians are confused about how the Holy Spirit works in the life of a Christian and this infographic and short video may help.
Bible podcasts, videos, blogs, printables, and more to help you know, trust, and apply the Bible.
from Yvon Prehn to help you know, trust, and apply the Bible
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Following are two illustrations of the Trinity that you have permission to download and share.
The first is an explanation from the church father, Tertullian, who coined the word, “Trinity” and defined it as “una substantia; tres personae” or One Substance; Three Persons.
The second is the classical illustration of the Trinity in contrast with the incorrect, heretical views of Modalism and Arianism. Click on each image to download a PDF of it. [Read more…]
by bible805
The validity of any religion or belief system is only as secure as the documents upon which it is based. Particularly with issues as important as one’s eternal destiny and how to live a fulfilling life, it only makes sense to base your belief system on a solid foundation. As this infographic shows, the New Testament gives us the historically valid history of Jesus, his life, death, and resurrection, and the history of the founding of the Christian Church and its doctrines rests on a solid textual history. [Read more…]
by bible805
These books were written 14‐16 years after the Jews went back to the land after their captivity. The return itself was a glorious work of God.
Once in the land, there were challenges when the surrounding people tried to stop them, but God intervened there also. The Israelites had seen God conquer and give victory in much greater problems and He took care of this situation also and they got permission from the king to continue building.
But they didn’t—even though God miraculously provided permission for them to continue building the temple, they got distracted, a lot like we do from the work God gives us to do. [Read more…]
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The historical books that cover this time include Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther and they are in our Bibles just before the middle of it. The books that contain the messages of the prophets during and shortly following this time, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi are at the very end of the Old Testament. In addition, the book of Esther takes place shortly after the start of Ezra. [Read more…]
by bible805
A picture or infographic can be helpful in making complex topics understandable and in the hopes of doing that I created this selection of infographics for you.
Following is a video is a brief overview of some of them. The ones illustrated are at the lessons associated with them. [Read more…]
by bible805
I have always had a hard time figuring out the final years of the Southern Kingdom of Israel before it went into captivity, especially figuring out who was king and when.
It doesn’t help at all that one of the major books about the time, Jeremiah isn’t in order in how he relates God’s judgment—he jumps back and forth between various kings and with their similar names, Jehoiakim, Jehoiakim, and Jehoahaz, plus their father/grandfather Josiah—I got confused. [Read more…]
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Introductory note from Yvon: I created this infographic to go along with the lesson, The Fall of Israel, How Falling is Never Final with Our God. A key part of that lesson is the importance of the proper dating of when God gave the children of Israel His laws and the repeated warnings of the prophets before judgment came. [Read more…]
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I was reminded of the importance of follow-up from the example of Jonah, (CLICK HERE to see the lesson on Jonah) who didn’t stay around to do any kind of follow-up after his great revival at Nineveh. I couldn’t help but wonder if history had been different if he had but we know he didn’t and they returned to their violent, evil ways and in less than 50 years later brutally conquered Israel. [Read more…]
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This is the start of a new series of lessons on Discipleship, of learning to live, love, and serve our world as Jesus did, which is what everyone who has trusted Jesus as Savior should be about doing. This short lesson is a foundational one and is entitled 5 Assurances for the Disciple of Jesus. Following is a short video that overviews it. [Read more…]
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In the previous lesson in our series on How We Got Our Bibles, we looked at the Apocrypha, the series of books written between the Old and New Testaments, and the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible done at that time. [Read more…]
by bible805
Many people are familiar with the books that are placed in some Bibles between the Old Testament and the New Testament, also known as the Apocrypha, but what are they, and are they important for us to read to learn about God and to grow in our Christian lives are questions, not many take the time to answer. [Read more…]