Though this quote comes from a secular, self-help site, it is an incredibly important truth to keep in mind as we all try to grow in our Christian discipleship. A.W. Tozer expressed a similar thought in this way: [Read more…]
Yvon Prehn's Bible Blog
Bible-related commentary by Yvon Prehn, founder and primary content creator for Bible805.
For additional blogs when written and updates that will inform you about additional materials to help you know, trust, apply, and teach the Bible, sign up HERE for the Bible805 Newsletter, The Lion's Voice.
Halloween as a time for evangelism—please consider it with the Apostle Paul as our inspiration
When the Apostle Paul went to Athens it says he was “very distressed” (Acts 17:16) at the pagan idols he found in the city. That’s not surprising. What is surprising is that a few days later he is asked to speak before their council and when he does, here is how the Bible describes it: [Read more…]
“Haven’t you read?” A good reminder of what to do, when we don’t know if something is wrong or not
A thought from my daily Bible reading
How do you respond to people who think you are doing something wrong, even if you feel like it is perfectly OK to it?
Especially if that person or persons are in a position of authority or leadership, it can be challenging if you are condemned for doing what you feel is right to do. [Read more…]
Why I created the Bibleverse—Between now and heaven, how to live in the in-between time
The launching of the Bibleverse is more than a way to get devotional thoughts, Bible studies, and practical ways to help your church create effective communications. At its core it is my attempt to equip you to fight the good fight of faith during this in-between time of Jesus’ resurrection and our being with Him. [Read more…]
A NEW Resource—the Bibleverse—guerilla fighter resources, to help you fully fulfill the Great Commission
I’ve put together a group of resources to help you to advance the Kingdom of God and fully fulfill the Great Commission. Here is why I did this, how it can help you, and what the Bibleverse consists of, and how to get to the resources. [Read more…]
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger—I’d forgotten the impact of this book
Ron Sider, author of Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger died this week.
In reading about his death, I was reminded of the impact his book had on me when I read it in the ’70s and how I have become a coward in sharing what I believe in this area. The news of his death was a timely challenge to me because of a situation that happened recently at a church event.
What happened is that I found myself reacting strongly (silently) to a comment about someone who had significant money spending it on themselves.
“They made the money, they deserve to do whatever they want,” was the comment of the person seated next to me. Though as I said, I had a strong emotional reaction to what she said, I changed the subject and started babbling about something else.
I thought about it later and realized it was an episode of moral cowardice where I didn’t have the energy to say what I was really thinking and to say it calmly and discuss it thoughtfully. [Read more…]
Why do bad things happen to Christians? especially when we are trying so hard to do what’s right. . . . . .
In our previous lesson on the Prophet Micah we talked about what God requires of us and His requirements are summarized in Micah 6:8 which tells us we are to “Do justice, Love mercy, and Walk humbly with our God.” [Read more…]
The Incredible Implications of God’s View of Time
Though it sounds complex, the topic of this lesson has important and practical implications for how you live day-to-day.
Let me explain—as this lesson shows, God’s view of time, seeing and knowing all that is past, present, and future is what enables us to understand prophecy and trust that what He promised in the past He will fulfill in the future just as He made promises in the past in the Old Testament that He fulfilled in the New Testament. [Read more…]
Organizations that fulfill the challenge of the book of Amos and Matt. 25
I recently did a lesson on the book of Amos. The book is both a scathing inditement of the religiously active, but morally bankrupt Israel of the prophet’s day and a challenge to all of us to be sure that our lives reflect the compassion and justice of God. To make the challenges of the book practical, I promised a list of organizations like this that do the work of justice and mercy Amos challenges us to do. [Read more…]
The dangers of predicting when Jesus will return
One thing we know for certain is that Jesus is coming back. Just as we anticipate the arrival of a dearly-loved family member who has been away and is coming home, we eagerly look forward to His return and so it is only natural that we want to know when it will take place. [Read more…]
Tetelestai, If the battle is finished, why is life so hard?
“Tetelestai!” was the final cry of Jesus from the cross and it means, “it is finished.”
It is an extraordinary cry of victory and hope. [Read more…]
Lent is for more than Lent–check out the one-minute videos that can challenge and encourage you
Lent is about much more than 40 days before Easter. It is a set of mind and heart where we evaluate our lives continuously to make certain we are doing what is pleasing to the Lord. [Read more…]