Is it really OK to ask God “why?” We all have questions like these:
- Why does God allow evil?
- Why do evil people get away with things?
- Why do good people get caught up in the mess others make?
from Yvon Prehn to help you know, trust, and apply the Bible
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by bible805
Is it really OK to ask God “why?” We all have questions like these:
by bible805
The bestselling book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People totally revolutionized the lives of millions of people and one of the habits he talked about is a great summary of our lesson today. The habit I’m talking about is Habit #2—Begin With the End in Mind
The prophets who preached after the fall of Israel and before Judah was conquered by Babylon preached to challenge people to do this. [Read more…]
by bible805
When God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, they met God at Mt. Sinai and there God not only gave them the 10 Commandments and His other laws for how to live, but He offered them a covenant, an agreement with Him that if they would obey and follow His commands, they would be His people, His treasured possession who He would bless. [Read more…]
by bible805
Just before Hosea appears, God sent the prophet Amos to condemn the sins of Israel. Amos preached forceful, harsh messages for about 3 years.
With Hosea God gives his people a similar message that they have violated his covenant and judgment is coming, but in a very different way. [Read more…]
by bible805
I was reminded of the importance of follow-up from the example of Jonah, (CLICK HERE to see the lesson on Jonah) who didn’t stay around to do any kind of follow-up after his great revival at Nineveh. I couldn’t help but wonder if history had been different if he had but we know he didn’t and they returned to their violent, evil ways and in less than 50 years later brutally conquered Israel. [Read more…]
by bible805
Reading the prophets can be confusing and to help, and Bible805 did a preliminary lesson to help you understand them, CLICK HERE to go to it. [Read more…]
by bible805
The prophet Amos and his message have captivated preachers, reformers, and Christian leaders from the earliest days it was preached until today, particularly with its emphasis on justice.
Martin Luther King used it in his I Have a Dream speech where he quoted the verse “Let justice roll down…” from Amos 5:24. [Read more…]
by bible805
We all know about the fish swallowing Jonah, but there is more in the book including the answers to these questions:
–What about people who haven’t heard the gospel if Jesus is the only way to God?
–What do we do about bad people, or when people treat us badly? What does God expect from us as His followers?
–How should we respond to continuing trials?
by bible805
This is the start of a new series of lessons on Discipleship, of learning to live, love, and serve our world as Jesus did, which is what everyone who has trusted Jesus as Savior should be about doing. This short lesson is a foundational one and is entitled 5 Assurances for the Disciple of Jesus. Following is a short video that overviews it. [Read more…]
by bible805
In many ways, the most important of the four goals of Bible805 (for you to know, trust, apply and teach the Bible) is for you to APPLY the Bible. Though application comes last in our progression of how first we need to KNOW what it says, then TRUST it is God’s Word, and finally to APPLY it, without application, knowledge and trust alone do little to change our lives and serve as a witness to our world. If we aren’t applying it, we certainly cannot teach it with integrity. [Read more…]
by bible805
When people think of the Old Testament prophets, most often two areas come to mind:
First, most people think of the prophecies of Jesus’ coming, and though that is important and a significant validation of the truth of the Christian faith, only 2% of prophecies are about the coming of Jesus. [Read more…]
by bible805
After studying the life of David, we couldn’t have a greater contrast between his life as a man “after God’s own heart,” and what we find in his son Solomon. [Read more…]