One thing we know for certain is that Jesus is coming back. Just as we anticipate the arrival of a dearly-loved family member who has been away and is coming home, we eagerly look forward to His return and so it is only natural that we want to know when it will take place.
That desire however can take an unfortunate turn if we try to set a date.
As has always been throughout human history since Jesus left and promised His return, when especially traumatic world-wide events take place there is renewed interest in His return. That is all well and good in that anything that causes us to focus on Jesus and living for Him is a good thing.
However, it can become unhealthy for our spiritual growth and witness if we focus on “signs” or date setting and not on our calling here and now for our Lord. This morning read one of the best summaries of the dangers of this in an article by Clarence L. Hayes, Jr., “Why It’s Dangerous to Guess Rapture Predictions.” I highly recommend you read the entire article, available HERE.
In summary, following are his four cautions and conclusion about trying to predict the rapture:
Here are 4 reasons why it’s dangerous to guess rapture predictions:
1. Because the prediction will be wrong.
2. Because you can become a sign watcher instead of a disciple-maker.
3. Because you may damage someone else’s faith.
4. Because you are dishonoring the name of Jesus.
He ends the article in this way:
“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’” – Revelation 22:20
Remember Jesus said this almost 2,000 years ago so whenever you talk about the rapture or the return of Jesus, this is all you ever need to say. Jesus is coming soon. Soon means you know he’s coming but you don’t know when. Soon means because you know he’s coming you will be ready. Soon means because he can come at any time you want to be doing what he requires of you when he comes. Soon could be in the next thirty minutes, the next thirty years, the next three centuries, or longer than that. Regardless it is going to happen soon. Your job and mine is not to guess rapture predictions as some have foolishly tried to do and failed. We must simply do what he has asked us to do until he comes or until he calls us home, both of which could happen soon.
Do read the entire article and most of all remember to “simply do what he has asked us to do until he comes”
To help you do that is the purpose of Bible805. For a related lesson, see:
Is the world about to end? a special lesson on our currently challenging times