It takes a tremendous amount of time to study and prepare lessons to teach the Bible. For pastors, and particularly missionaries and leaders of small churches, who must also do administrative, counseling, and financial tasks, carving out time to study is difficult.
With these groups in mind, I’ve made all the resources of the Bible805 Academy (www.Bible805Academy.com) FREE or PWYW (pay-what-you-want), though I strongly encourage people to simply download them for free and there is no other obligation.
On the site are the following resources related to many topics on why you can trust the Bible, plus lessons that go through the content of the entire Bible, at the end of this description are some of the covers of various lessons.
- Teaching videos, you can preview at the Bible805 YouTube Channel, but the ones on the Bible805 Academy are totally free to download and use and they are without any advertisements
- Editable PowerPoints of the lessons (most have this, though some older ones aren’t editable–I’m in the process of updating them). You can use them however you want and you can remove my name or Bible805 identifying information if you want. No attribution is required.
- Notes, that are basically a transcript of the lessons
- Discussion questions
- Infographics if they go with the lesson–I have some especially useful ones on the topics of the Trinity, the plan of salvation, God’s view of Time, and the Timeline of the Old Testament Prophets.
- Additional materials including images to advertise the lessons
Please pass on the Bible805 Academy resources, available at www.Bible805Academy.com to those who might benefit from them. There are no advertisements, no affiliate marketing, no gotchas of any kind that will interfere with your use of these lessons.
The lessons are the results of many years of both academic and personal study, plus many years of teaching this material at church. Many have found it useful to help them grow in their Christian lives and love of God’s Word, here are thumbnails of some of them, click on the image to go to that lesson.
If you’d like to be notified of new lessons and updates on the Bible805 Academy and ministry, CLICK HERE to sign up for our newsletter, The Lion’s Voice.